We topped out at around 103 degrees here in the city today. Walking home at 8:28pm the time and temperature sign near 72nd St said it was still 98 degrees. It was humid and awful, and I can’t imagine living in a place where this is typical summer weather. (And the mood of the people outside today supports my theory that many of the world’s most volatile areas are that way because it’s just too damn hot.)
Despite that, and in direct contradiction to what I just said, the day was a roaring success; Maya and Ben both had invites to spend most of the day with friends, (not the same friends, which made it even better from their points of view) indoors, playing games and watching movies. I spent a great hour at home knitting and catching up on a week’s worth of Letterman before braving the heat to go to Pilates.
Pilates is always one of the high points of my week. Today was no different, except their sundrenched studio was without air-conditioning. Come again? Yep, HOT didn’t stop when you stepped inside, so it was kind of like Bikram Pilates. (Bikram Yoga, in case you are unfamiliar, is done in a sauna-like studio on purpose.) I drank 48oz. of water in just under an hour, and truth be told I felt great when I left. I always feel good, but this week I felt good and cleansed. Then of course I went outside and just felt sticky and gross, but still.
So even though we didn’t enjoy the heat, we all enjoyed the day. And in case you missed them on Letterman, I hope you enjoy this; Bono and the Edge from U2 performing a rendition of “Stuck in a Moment” that had me in tears by the end. They sound as inspired as the day they wrote it.