You all know the answer to this one. Think about it. It’s your kids’ 2nd Christmas (or Hannukah or whatever you might be celebrating that involves gifts). I say second because the first is usually more for the parents, but by the 2nd year the child ‘gets’ the whole gift thing. Anyway, what is every kid’s favorite thing to play with after the initial, “Cool, a new babydoll,” or “Yay, a dumptruck,”? Yes, it’s the cardboard box the toy came in.
Nothing beats cardboard boxes for all around fun. If I could, I would have a jumbo cardboard box house of my own with a “PRIVATE” sign on the door. I would fill it with colorful, cushy Tibetan pillows no one else in my family likes and lounge in it, door closed, whenever I could. It would take up most of my living room.
You are never too old to play with boxes.
Also, a plain cardboard box can be so many things; a house, spaceship, car, submarine, the possibilities are endless, and that’s what makes it great. Other toys are so limited.
Out of the blue this evening Ben asked for a new box. He hasn’t had one in a while, and since we’ve made no purchases that required larger than normal-sized packaging (although I wouldn’t mind a new refrigerator, but something tells me that’s not going to happen any time soon), we made a quick run to Oz Moving and Storage to get a couple of Ben-sized boxes. Can I just tell you, our entire family got in on the fun of cutting and taping the boxes just so to create a kind of double-wide box haven in Ben’s room. It has two windows, a mail slot, a trash chute, an ‘outgoing’ mailbox and an interior light made by attaching a flashlight to its’ ceiling. It’s fantastic. After it was assembled, Maya played postwoman (sporting a lovely long red wig) and delivered a package and some letters to Ben, then brought me a letter she’d found addressed to me in the outbox. It was a thank you from Ben to me for his new ‘house’.
Boxes are wonderful because when they are empty they are still crammed with possibility. Tonight they gave us all reasons to smile.
Tell Ben I want to come and play!!