Ok, so I now have an explanation for why my friends have been flaking out, my Nook seems to have disappeared into thin air (seriously – like it was part of a magic trick in my apartment; there one minute, gone the next), and stuff just isn’t working the way it’s supposed to.
Mercury is in retrograde. (Or almost there, which means this is just the warm up. Hurray!)
I never used to credit the whole Mercury in retrograde screwing with not only electronics but brain function, but these past few days have made me a believer.
Except I think it only affects adults. (Can I pick and choose that way? Sure I can. It’s my blog, after all.)
My kids, rather than falling apart with everyone and everything around them, rise high, high above on such occasions and become beacons of grace and light. And I’m quite sure none of that can be credited to me. This has been most apparent in relation to the Nook mystery. Maya stayed up till almost 1am with me last night, retracing every step of the day to try and figure out why my Nook was no longer on the arm of the couch where I typically sit to write these posts and read. As the minutes passed and I began to think my inability to pinpoint its whereabouts was a sign of early onset senility, she got calmer and calmer, assuring me that all would be well and that possibly the best cure was to go to sleep and look again in the morning.
Who’s the 11 year old in the house?
This morning the search and my own doubts about my sanity continued, but no Nook was forthcoming. Where the hell is it?! Has it been sucked into some vortex created by Mercury’s crazy astrological position? I have looked everywhere, including the refrigerator, the stove and the dishwasher. (One time I put the orange juice in the cabinet next to the salt, so there is precedent for such an action.) This morning we moved couches, dug through closets, looked in every cabinet in the house, but found nothing out of place except some candy wrappers, Ben’s buff and a handful of stray pens.
Did I throw it in the trash? Mistake it for the NY Times and put it in the recycling?
Through it all, Ben & Maya helped me look, periodically voiced their support and sympathy, and gave me hugs. Maya began looking on the bright side. I could get a new one! A better one (and honestly, the new Nooks that are just for books are pretty awesome, and inexpensive; because of course I had to look at them once she mentioned it).
Although maybe I shouldn’t buy one till January, when Mercury is safely OUT of retrograde….
The point here is (and there is a point, despite the sort of rambling nature of this post) that my kids are incredible people, generous and empathetic; far more than I am, I think. They must get it from Joshua, or maybe it’s a unique combination of Joshua’s genes and their freedom from stress and coercion.
Whatever it is, I’m very thankful for it on days like these.