Happy Holiday

This has been a great weekend.  Joshua’s flight Friday out of JFK was on time – something of a pre-Christmas miracle.  Saturday saw us having breakfast with friends at a restaurant in the local airport.  (It’s really very good, too.)  Usually the biggest planes to come in and out are 2, 3 and 4 seaters, but we were treated to the landing of a charter jet and watched with interest as the 5 or 6 passengers disembarked.   Upon leaving the restaurant, we met the pilot and flight attendant and got to talking.  Turns out they had flown the passengers Columbus all the way from Dubai!  A few more minutes of chatting and we were all invited on board the plane to look around.   I think I may be ruined for commercial air travel.

A rare site on the tarmac in Columbus IN

And here we are inside!

Me and Mendy (that's the pilot behind us on the right)

Then we followed it up with a great Christmas today.  Lots of gifts, good food, laughter and a few games of cards.

The family

Mom with Ben & Maya

Maya & my Dad, sporting their super cool hats

And finally, a video by Maya and Ben, made on Christmas Eve.   And yes, Maya really does know how to pronounce Hannukah (we celebrate both Hannukah and Christmas).   It’s a joke.  Enjoy, and hope your holidays are as happy as ours have been.


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