Education Nation Summit

Years ago, my friend Aliza (the same friend who first introduced Joshua & I to unschooling through her amazing kids) was nominated for a MAC = Manhattan Association of Cabaret & Clubs Award for a song she had written.   A MAC is the cabaret version of a Tony, and  her song was titled, “I’ve Got The My Baby’s not Heterosexual Blues”.    I’d give anything for a recording of it because it is every bit as good as the title.

When she received word that she’d been nominated, Aliza said, “I looked at the list of nominees and mine was the only name I didn’t recognize.”

I know how she feels.

In less than two weeks, NBC will be holding its’ third Education Nation Summit .  As it states on their website:

For the third year in a row, NBC News is hosting a national Education Nation Summit in New York City. The three-day event will bring together more than 300 of the country’s thought leaders in education, government, business, philanthropy and media.

The amazing Lisa Nielsen of “The Innovative Educator” recognized that one group was missing from the event, and got busy.  Yesterday she submitted a proposal to the organizers of the Education Nation Summit in which she encouraged them to include home educators on their roster while also providing a list of possible  Home Ed  representatives.

It’s a good list.

It includes Blake Boles, Pat Farenga, Peter Gray, Dayna Martin, Penelope Trunk, Laurette Lynn, Linda Dobson, Kate Fridkis….and me.

Unlike the others, I am not a published author or a regular contributor to major news publications or the founder of a major homeschool network or a kick-ass talk radio host.   (I am, however, one of their biggest fans.)

No, my qualifications are my two kids, this blog and a lot of opinions about learning and education that I try to articulate in a way that is accessible to those who don’t know much or anything about unschooling and learning outside of school.

If the Education Nation decides to include home educators in their summit, it will be a major achievement and I will personally buy Lisa a drink (or two or three).     If they include me among the home ed group I will be wildly honored.  If they don’t, I will be there cheering the others on.

Fingers crossed, everyone.


One comment on “Education Nation Summit

  1. Miriam says:

    You GO girl!!!! XXOO

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