That would be Heather Armstrong of Lately she’s been publishing posts that are full of links to neat things she’s found on line. Tonight I’m doing something similar, except my stuff is related to unschooling. (Surprise!)
A few weeks ago Maya and I were interviewed by Rebecca Douglas for a radio documentary on DIY – our part being the DIY education. It was broadcast on Blog Talk Radio last week. Maya and I are in it only briefly, but overall it is a good piece on unschooling. It begins with a report on Maker Faire, then the unschooling section. You can listen to it here.
Martha Jansen, who went to high school with my Mom and who has been reading my blog since the beginning (thank you Martha!) was in New York over Columbus Day weekend with her husband Jim. I had the pleasure of meeting them for lunch at Josie’s – one of our favorite restaurants – and Martha wrote about their trip and our lunch in her blog, Armchair Travel With Martha. Next they are off to England, and next Spring they are taking two months to go to France. Now that’s the kind of education I want for me and my kids!
And then there is this YouTube video, which you all may have seen before (it dates from 2008 which is apparent due to the MySpace reference) but which is, I think, a great inadvertent ad for unschooling. Really, the only thing that makes sense in a world that is changing as rapidly as ours is to follow your interests and your passions, whatever they may be.
I’ll end with this photo of me, Maya and Ben. Just because.