The LKDWTW approach and what (sometimes) happens without it

The story I’m about to tell is true.   I’m keeping it completely anonymous, although I suspect some of my readers will know who I’m talking about.   I’m using it as an example because I believe it is not unique; in fact, I believe this story is more common than not.   This is not meant as a criticism of the parent in question, although I find it sad that she and her husband couldn’t let go of their preconceptions about what learning should look like.

LKDWTW stands for Let Kids Do What They Want and it is an integral part of … Read more

Cowboys vs. Aliens, and Sugarland

Last night Joshua and I went to see the film “Cowboys vs. Aliens” – and Ben went with us.   This movie is rated PG-13 for violence and cursing.   But looking through the clips and reviews, I decided it was on par violence-wise with Raiders or Star Wars, and as to the cursing, when I mentioned it to Ben he shrugged and said, “Well I hope you know I won’t repeat it.”

The movie was great fun – Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig chewing up the scenery and battling ‘demons’ – and about 3/4 of the way through Ben leaned over … Read more

Underscheduling as an action plan

Growing up I was a competitive gymnast.    Gymnastics was not something I did because my parents thought I should try it along with a myriad of other activities.    I did it because I wanted to.  Exclusively.    We were fortunate to live in a town with a very good private gymnastics center with a team that competed all over the state.   I joined the team at the age of 9, won the Indiana State all around competition at the age of 12 and retired from competition at the ripe old age of 14 – burned out from 25 hours a week … Read more

Not all PG-13 movies are the same

Maya was invited to go and see the film “Crazy Stupid Love” this evening with a friend, but Joshua and I decided not to let her go.  We saw it last Saturday and loved it, but after thinking it over, we decided there were some things inappropriate for our 11 year old daughter.

When I told her she couldn’t go, she said, “But it’s rated PG-13.”   Which is true, but not all PG-13 movies are the same.   The final Harry Potter film was also rated PG-13 and both Maya and Ben, who is 7, saw that one with my full … Read more

Tempting the Universe

Remember a few days ago when I posted that I sometimes get tired of writing about education and learning?    I ended by saying:

So I’ll keep writing about what we do.  And what we don’t do.  Because maybe there’s a parent out there who needs to hear it, even if I don’t so much anymore.

Apparently the Universe took that as a challenge.   Really?  So secure are you that you don’t need to be reassured your path is the right one?   (In my head, the Universe kind of sounds like Yoda.)

How else to explain the fact that over the … Read more

Stay at home feminists

Today we spent the afternoon at one of the playgrounds in Central Park with our usual Wednesday group.    While the kids played, the moms chatted.   A lot of times when we are there I wind up speaking to just one or two of the other parents, but today I got to spend some time with almost everyone, and the conversation revolved mostly around our roles as full-time parents/teacher/facilitators and how that role is perceived in American society.  (One guess as to our conclusion.)

The group of women included Margaret, who had her son at the age of 43.  Before Children, … Read more

No “OMG” for Maya and Ben

Just before I began writing this post:

Maya:  I’m so glad I don’t have to go back to school in a month like all the people on Facebook.

Me:  Why, are they talking about it?

Maya:  Yes, it’s all ‘OMG!  We have to go back to school in a month!’

Nope.  None of that for Maya or Ben.   And none of it for me either.  I even got my DOE paperwork in before June was done – including my Annual Assessments, Letters of Intent and IHIPs  (Individualized Home Instruction Plan), so I have been thinking not at all about the … Read more

A chosen path

This was my day today.

Woke up at 9:00am.   At 9:15 got a phone call from our friends with whom we had made plans to go to the amusement park in Central Park.   They thought it might be too hot for the park.    Thus ensued almost 90 minutes of wrangling and drama, both in my house and theirs, after which time it was decided that we would brave the heat and go as planned.

We arrived at the amusement park at 11:30.   Happily there was a cool breeze.   Kristin and I sat on a shady bench while the kids rode … Read more

Talking about education and “Footloose”

Sometimes I get tired of talking about learning and education.    As my friend Kristin said the other day, “Sometimes when I hear someone start to talk about their theories on education, all I hear is ‘Blah, blah, blah’.”    Yep.  Me too.   I think it’s because we are pretty set on our learning path.   I still have school brain moments, but they are ever fewer and farther between.   This sort of ennui on my part is the reason I could never be a full time advocate for education reform and life learning.   The never-ending repetitive questions and inability to grasp the … Read more

Fun with the Baby Bombers…

The Baby Bombers are not some radical toddler terrorist group; they are instead the ‘A’ Ball team the Staten Island Yankees, one of the farm teams for the New York Yankees, or Bronx Bombers.   Hence, Baby Bombers.   The initial draw for me was that I’d seen photos of the stadium the SI Yankees play in, and it has a gorgeous view of lower Manhattan.  Not only that, you take the Staten Island Ferry to get there, and on the way to the game it passes within shouting distance of the Statue of Liberty.

Pulling away from the ferry terminal in

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